Trump has dismissed other national polls that show him trailing Dr. Ben Carson, but rest assured that “The Donald” will be touting this latest Fox News poll that has him back on top of the field of 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Donald Trump-26%Ben Carson-23%
Ted Cruz-11%
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Marco Rubio-11%
Mike Huckabee-4%
John Kasich-4%Jeb Bush-4%
Rand Paul-4%
Carly Fiorina-3%
Chris Christie-2%
Ben Carson seems to be everyone’s second choice candidate, and has the highest favorability marks.But the soft-spoken neurosurgeon comes off to many as too passive, something Trump has pointed out, saying that Carson has “very low energy.”
The big story here is Jeb Bush’s continued downward spiral. In my opinion, Bush should step down gracefully. I don’t have anything against Jeb Bush, but we saw this exact thing happen to Scott Walker, and instead of allowing his campaign to hit rock bottom, Walker bowed out.
Bush needs to consider a graceful exit from the race.
As for Cruz and Rubio, well, I always expected these two amigos to be neck-and-neck in the end. What I didn’t expect was how well Trump and Carson are doing.
Who knew?Predictions:
If Jeb Bush quits the race, his support goes to Rubio. If Carson or Trump drop in the polls, and lose support, that support would go to Ted Cruz, not Marco Rubio.
The latest Quinnipiac poll has Cruz garnering more Tea Party and conservative support than Rubio. These two voting factions appear to be firmly behind Carson and Trump.