You think your tax money is going to feed the needy but in actuality some of the “needy” are trading their EBT cards for guns.
Florida lawmakers are moving forward with measures to prevent it from happening anymore. In an effort to stop the illegal exchange Senator Travis Hutson (R-Elkton) filed a bill that would make the penalties for such a crime tougher.The Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Subcommittee unanimously voted to support the bill.
Hutson said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I’ve heard from our state attorneys and assistant state attorneys, where they’ve gone into individuals’ homes and seen drugs, firearms and stacks of EBT cards. Their thought process is, this is happening. It is a problem. But we don’t give them enough tools in their tool belts to identify what they can do with the trafficking of these EBT cards.
According to News4Jax Hutson’s proposal would make it a first-time misdemeanor to trade EBT cards for firearms, ammunition, explosives, controlled substances, cash or considerations other than eligible types of food.
In 2013, the Legislature approved a law that prohibited EBT cards from being used at strip clubs, liquor stores and gambling establishments.