On Saturday at a rally in Norfolk, Virginia, Donald Trump revealed his plan to fix the Veterans Affairs health system.
As reported by Breitbart, Trump said:We’re going to take care of those wounded warriors and we’re going to take care of our vets better than anybody. The plan will ensure our veterans get the care they need, wherever and whenever they need it.
He insisted he reform the current system.
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Trump said he would fire:
the corrupt and incompetent VA executives who let our veterans down.
He also attacked the VA for their lack of obstetric help for women.
The fact that many VA hospitals don’t permanently staff OB-GYN doctors shows an utter lack of respect for the growing number of female veterans.
I can attest from personal experience Trump does care about veterans. Long before he was running for President he helped out my relative after he fought in Iraq during his time of need.
Trump’s campaign released his plan on their website. You can read the full plan here: Veterans Administrative Reforms That Will Make America Great Again
Some of the highlights from the plan include:- All veterans eligible for VA health care will be able to bring their veteran’s ID card to any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get treatment
- Funding will be increased for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury and suicide prevention services
- Funding will be increased for job training and placement services, educational support and business loans
- Equipping every VA hospital in the country with OBGYN and other women’s health services, while permitting women veterans to choose a different OBGYN in their community using their veteran’s ID card
- Firing corrupt and incompetent VA executives
- Hiring more veterans to care for veterans
- Embedding satellite VA clinics in rural and other under served areas to ensure veterans have easy access to care.