Former U.S. Senator from Tennessee and actor, Fred Thompson died at the age of 73.
As reported by CNN, Thompson died after a relapse of lymphoma. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma more than a decade ago.His family released the following statement:
It is with a heavy heart and a deep sense of grief that we share the passing of our brother, husband, father and grandfather who died peacefully in Nashville surrounded by his family.
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Thompson was a Republican who won a special election in 1994 to fill Al Gore’s vacant seat in the U.S. Senate. He was re-elected and announced in 2002 he would not run again. In 2008 he ran for president as well.
His acting career included the following films: The Hunt for Red October, Die Hard 2, In the Line of Fire and many others. He also played district attorney Arthur Branch on Law and Order.