Wednesday was a good day for Paul Ryan. The Republicans nominated the 45-year-old Wisconsin congressman to serve as speaker of the House. With that being said he will be the youngest to take the post since before the Civil War as reported by CNN.
After easily defeating Florida’s very own Republican Daniel Webster, Ryan will step into a job he initially insisted he did not want.The back history is when conservatives rejected Kevin McCarthy of California, Ryan immediately put out a press release saying he had no interest in the job. He already had his dream job as the Chairman of the Ways and Means committee in which he did not even give up when asked to run for president in 2016. Many Republicans would not take no for an answer from Ryan and urged him to reconsider. Boehner and Mitt Romney stepped in to talk to him as well and in the end he decided to run.
The final vote tally was 200 for Ryan and 43 for Webster. Sorry Webster.
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On Thursday morning the full House of Representatives will set to officially approve the nomination and then the gavel will pass from Speaker John Boehner to Ryan.
Ryan has pledged to unify the House Republicans. He said:
We have an obligation here in the people’s house to do the people’s business. We are going to respect the people by representing the people.