Senator Marco Rubio, who has missed the most votes of any U.S. Senate due to his campaigning for president, stepped right into the political line of fire this week by stating this on the Senate floor:
“If you work at the VA, and you aren’t doing your job, they get to fire you.”
Almost immediately his amigo and opponent in the 2016 GOP presidential primary race, Jeb Bush took another subtle swipe at him for making that remark.
Actually, Jeb Bush’s spokesman Tim Miller tweeted that he agreed with Rubio, fueling the ongoing narrative that Bush and the Democrats have been pushing that Rubio is an absentee Senator that isn’t doing the job Americans elected him to do.
Concur with Marco
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The hashtag #noshowrubio has also sprouted up on Twitter.
It was only a matter of time before the queen of the Democratic world, DNC Chairwoman and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz chimed in on Rubio’s statement with this tweet of her own:That time Marco Rubio criticized… Marco Rubio: “If you’re not doing your job, you should be fired.” — D Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) October 20, 2015
Meanwhile, missed votes or not, Rubio keeps rising in the polls, and is currently hovering at a distant third or fourth place in the Republican presidential primary race.