It’s hard at times to figure out how people make these things up. As reported by Breitbart, National Security Advisor Susan Rice suggested climate change was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and it is a threat to the entire world.
She said:In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record. Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.
Rice warned that climate change was “an advancing menace” and it meant doom for nations across the world.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Today, we face no greater long-term challenge than climate change, an advancing menace that imperils so many of the other things we hope to achieve.
She also suggested the recent floods in North and South Carolina and the forest fires were partially a result of climate change.
While we can’t say that climate change is the direct cause of any specific weather event, these are exactly the trends that we expect to see more of, if climate trends continue on their current trajectory.
Rice insisted the changing climate would change the entire world, pledging it into conflict, disease and despair.