Some of Rep. David Jolly’s supporters for his 2016 Senate bid are crying foul over the latest Quinnipiac poll that left the Pinellas County resident off the poll in Florida’s Senate race.
I would be too.The most recent polls, including the Public Policy Polling one, have Jolly with a slight lead over fellow Republican senatorial candidates, Rep. Ron DeSantis and Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera.
With that said, why would Quinnipiac, who like other national pollsters, pride themselves in touting their credibility and accuracy, leave Jolly out of the poll?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Regardless of whether Jolly only enjoys a 3 percent lead over DeSantis in the PPP poll, he is still technically the frontrunner, even if his advantage is within the margin of error, right?
Things could get a lot more difficult for the field of GOP senate hopefuls, considering that the 2016 Republican presidential primary continues to suck the air, and the money, out of the political room.
These guys-Tod Wilcox, Ron DeSantis, David Jolly, and Carlos Lopez-Cantera- will need to really step up their game, if they are going to have any chance of raising their name recognition around Florida early enough in the cycle to have chance making a viable stab at the GOP senate nomination next year.Oh, and former Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has just announced that after two failed statewide campaigns, he will be announcing another run for the Senate.
**Forgot this >>> At least that is what he projecting >> —Bill McCollum @BillMcCollum: “Hey @mdixon55 wanted you to be the first to know that I’m announcing … #sayfie #FlaPol 1/2”
He is announcing something..
*** Early morning slip. As Rick Perry once said, “Oops!”
Oh boy.