During the third quarter presidential candidate Ted Cruz raised a whooping $12 million according to CNN.
That is a large haul and it will help Cruz as he continues forward.Cruz outpaces Marco Rubio. His campaign only raised $6 million in the third quarter which was a shock to many because his poll numbers are so high.
Out of all the Republican candidates, Cruz’s success at raising money has been one of the surprising fundraising stories of the race. His four Super PACs also raised $38 million.
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It is said the secret to his fundraising success has been his teams argument why he will win the Republican nomination. They state he is the only well-funded conservative and he boasts his financial success at almost every speech. He also says he will focus on a national campaign and not just Iowa.
Others candidates are bringing in a lot of money as well. Ben Carson hauled in $20 million for the third quarter and Donald Trump has been self-financing his campaign.
One candidate who did not haul in a lot of money was Rand Paul. He only raised $2.5 million in the third quarter but he refuses to drop out of the race saying his campaign is on a low budget.