Two of the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, Senator Marco Rubio and billionaire Donald Trump, look to outduel one another in a “lucha libre,” or wrestling political cage match of sorts
Frontrunner Trump responded to the first attack salvo that the younger Rubio fired off, calling him a “kid,” and saying that he had much “better hair” than the “sweatier” and broke Rubio.C’mon Donald, you know how sensitive Rubio is about his hair.
“He’s overly ambitious, too young, and I have better hair than he does,” said Trump about Rubio this past Wednesday.
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Trump did not relent there, attacking Rubio on his lack of personal finances.
“Marco Rubio, as an example, he’s got no money, zero,” Trump said. “I think that’s fine, that’s OK, maybe it’s good politically to say you owe money because you over-borrowed on your credit cards. He’s got nothing. I mean, he’s got nothing.”
But Rubio is no slouch. The thirsty Rubio jabbed back at Trump, by skewering Trump his knowledge on foreign policy, or lack there of, as well as beating “The Donald” down on general policy issues.
“That’s why he had a bad debate and acting the way he is and continuing to offend anyone who criticizes him.” Rubio repeated that Trump “is thin-skinned and sensitive to criticism. … He can’t have a conversation about policy because quite frankly he doesn’t know anything about policy.”
Rubio added:
And then there is the expected Donald Trump smackdown tweet of Rubio“You should ask him questions in detail about the foreign policy issues our president will confront, because you had better be able to lead our country on the first day,” Rubio told moderator Jake Tapper. “A president better be up-to-date on those issues on his first day in office, on her first day in office.”
Just watched @marcorubio on television. Just another all talk, no action, politician. Truly doesn’t have a clue! Worst voting record in Sen.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2015
Even as Trump continues to pounce on every one of his GOP competitors, he is still atop of all the polls.
To be fair, Rubio is climbing after his debate performances, which is probably why Trump is taking aim at him.