Establishment Democrats, are up in arms over Senate candidate, Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson’s recent comparison of their political party to the ‘crips or the bloods.”
“You know a lot of people think when you belong to the Democratic Party it’s like you belong to some kind of club … like the Lions Club or like the Rotary Club… “I prefer to think of it as belonging to some kind of gang, like Crips or the Bloods. And the reason for that is that we have to protect our turf. Our turf is the American middle class.””-Rep. Alan Grayson (D)
Grayson, who is never short on insults against Republicans and members of his own political party, made the remark in front of the Hillsborough County Democratic executive committee, prompting his Senate primary opponent, Rep. Patrick Murphy to cry foul.
Grayson, the darling of the ‘extreme left,’ is considered persona non grata among the elitist, establishment wing of the Democratic Party because of his consistent, over-the-top and offensive rhetoric, not to mention that he is challenging their pick to be the Democratic nominee in the 2016 U.S. Senate race to replace outgoing Senator Marco Rubio.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Murphy’s political supporters, like Rep. Alcee Hastings (D), as well as the Democratic state party chairman, Scott Arceneaux, have taken issue with Grayson’s comparison of their party to a violent gang.
Hastings and other black Democrats, who support Murphy, used the Grayson remarks as the perfect opportunity to unload on the walking Democratic political sound-byte.“Congressman Grayson’s off-the-cuff remarks were a poor choice of words and we certainly disagree with his analogy,” Arceneaux said in a written statement. “I know Congressman Grayson would agree that gang violence is a serious matter that effects all constituencies and deserves serious consideration.”-POLITICO
“The gang violence that has torn apart communities for too long has affected countless people across our country. The Democratic Party must always reject this kind of language, and I call on Mr. Grayson to apologize.”-Rep. Alcee Hastings
But with all this outrage over Grayson’s Democratic Party gang comparison, where is the same outrage from these very same black Democrats every time a black on black crime is committed?
Where is the outrage from Hastings and other black Democrats over the offensive and violent call to action against police by the racist Black Lives Matters movement?
If Grayson was black, would this even be an issue?
Probably not.