After the impressive performance he gave at the CNN Republican presidential debate, Marco Rubio was expected to jump in the polls, but not leapfrog his political mentor Jeb Bush in Florida.
I have stated before that Rubi0’s best opportunity to shine was in a crowded field of GOP candidate was at debates.As reported by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, a new poll published by Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida has Rubio besting Bush by a margin of 8 percentage points of likely voters in Florida.
What is considered most surprising is that Donald Trump leads both Rubio and Bush in the poll with 32 percent of the GOP vote.
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This is Florida. This is both Rubio and Bush country. How the heck is Trump, who lives part of the time in Palm Beach, leading by so much in a state that has voted both Rubio and Bush into elected office?
Trump’s simple, in-your-face, and unapologetic message resonates with the mainstream of the Republican Party.
Rubio has the clear momentum, as does Fiorina, Trump and Cruz. Gov. Scott Walker’s departure from the race seems to be benefitting Rubio, but as more and more candidates begin to fall off the campaign trail, Cruz could be in position to pick up a lot of that support, but so is Rubio.Could there be an eventual Rubio vs. Cruz showdown?
But like I said before, it may come down to Florida. If Jeb Bush’s campaign continues to dissolve in the polls, and the former governor decides to call it quits, Rubio would then have the clear advantage over Cruz or anyone left in the race.
It would be safe to assume that Bush would put his weight behind his friend and political protege, as would his well-funded Super PAC.