On Sunday, presidential candidate Ben Carson was on NBC’S Meet The Press. When he was asked if there should be a Muslim president he said:
I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.
His response comes on the heels of Donald Trump getting a lot of heat for not correcting a campaign rally attendee who called Obama a Muslim.
Trump said he has a lot of Muslim friends but the problem is “radical Muslims” as reported by CNN.
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Carson also was asked if a president’s faith should matter to voters.
This was his response:
I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem.
When he was asked if if Islam is consistent with the Constitution he said:
No, I don’t — I do not.
He did say he was open for voting for a Muslim for Congress.
Carson also said he has no reason to believe the President is not a Christian.Congress is a different story, but it depends on who that Muslim is and what their policies are, just like it depends on what anybody else it. If there’s somebody who is of any faith but they say things and their life has been consistent with things that will elevate this nation and make it possible for everybody to succeed and bring peace and harmony, then I’m with them.