I have no idea why this man is an elected official. It just goes to show you some people do not pay attention or do not care.
At a private event Alan Grayson decided to make fun of service members as reported by POLITICO. He said the U.S. intelligence community is “stupid” and he accused them of “faking” reports about Syria.He attack was caught on camera during a fundraiser in California where Grayson was speaking to the Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains. Here is a link to that video: Grayson.
Laughing, Grayson said the following about generals:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.When they started to give us the military briefings, the generals walk in with all that salad on their uniforms in the front. You quickly realize that they literally don’t know what they’re talking about. The so-called intelligence community is the stupid community. They’re the worst ones of all. I mean, these people pretend to know everything that they pretend to know. They don’t know it at all.
The “salad” he was talking about is the ribbons and medals military members wear on their uniforms.