CNN announced their debate line up for next week in California at the Reagan Library at 8 p.m.
Thursday was the close of the two-month window for determining the eligibility based on averages of national polls. The results were based on 14 polls including interviews conducted with more than 6,000 potential Republican primary voters. In total their are 10 candidates plus Carly Fiorina. The remaining five candidates will appear during an earlier debate which begins at 6 p.m.
Below is the overall rankings based on the average of all the qualifying polls:
- Donald Trump: 23.929
- Jeb Bush: 11.500
- Scott Walker: 9.429
- Ben Carson: 8.929
- Ted Cruz: 6.286
- Marco Rubio: 5.643
- Mike Huckabee: 5.571
- Rand Paul: 4.714
- John Kasich: 3.214
- Chris Christie: 3.143
- Carly Fiornina: 2.229
- Rick Perry: 1.814
- Rick Santorum: 1.214
- Bobby Jindal: 1.057
- George Pataki: 0.529
- Lindsey Graham: 0.471