Intelligence officials who have been assigned to review Hillary Clinton’s email server for classified information have found 305 documents so far that will be referred to agencies for further consultation.
As reported by CNN, in court papers filed with U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras it said as of last Friday the Intelligence Community reviewers had completed a preliminary screening and determined:out of a sample of approximately 20% of the Clinton emails (the reviewers) recommend 305 documents — approxiametly 5.1% — for referral to their agencies for consultation.
Clinton has said prior “to her knowledge” there were no classified documents on her private email server. She said this after she was an elected official, the first lady and the Secretary of State. What I’m alluding to is: she knows what a classified document looks like. They have only reviewed 20% of her emails and found 305 potentially classified documents which she said she did not know about? That was a lie.
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Reviewers are currently way behind schedule. Jason Leopold filed a Freedom of Information suit against the State Department. He has expressed concerns about the government falling behind their production schedule and the fact they have not provided a plan on how they intend to catch up.