Aside from his perceived demeanor of being an angry white Democratic congressman who equates conservatives to the KKK, and who never misses an opportunity to even disparage fellow Democrats, the outspoken Alan Grayson is also a pretty funny guy.
Grayson has been smacking down his younger opponent in Florida Senate race, Rep. Patrick Murphy, by siding with Republicans in saying that Murphy hasn’t done much as far as sponsoring or cosponsoring legislation while a member of Congress.Grayson is right.
Murphy is ranked as one of the worst legislators when it comes to filing bills in the U.S. Congress, and Grayson is reminding him of it at every turn.
I’m the most effective rep (per Slate). My opponent is one of the least effective. FL Dems have a clear choice.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 12, 2015
Grayson just “schooled” Murphy again on Twitter. This gem of a tweet by “Congressman with Guts” stabs at Murphy’s perceived ineffectiveness as a member of Congress. This made me laugh.
If @PatrickMurphyFL is so ineffective because he doesn’t get the legislative process, maybe this will help: #flsen — Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 13, 2015
Big ouch!
Here are some more Grayson tweets poking at Murphy during the recent Fox News GOP presidential debate:
REPUBLICAN: @PatrickMurphyFL was a proud Republican, just like every candidate on the stage #murphybingo #flsen
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 7, 2015
SUPPORTED MITT ROMNEY: @PatrickMurphyFL backed Mitt Romney just like Donald Trump did. #murphybingo #flsen
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 7, 2015
WEAKEN OBAMACARE: @PatrickMurphyFl voted with Republicans to delay implementation of parts of the ACA #murphybingo #flsen
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 7, 2015
SWITCHED PARTIES: Donald Trump is willing to switch parties to run in an election…just like @PatrickMurphyFL #murphybingo #flsen
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 7, 2015
You’ll hear a lot of ideas @PatrickMurphyFL supports during tonight’s #GOPDebate . Follow along with #MurphyBingo
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) August 6, 2015
The Democratic Party base, which veers so far off the left side of the political highway, and on to an adjacent dirt road, supports Grayson over Murphy.
On the flip side, the Democratic Party establishment favors Murphy, and are in position to make sure that Grayson does not become their Senate nominee in 2016.
The winner between Grayson and Murphy will face off with the winner of the Republican Senate primary race. The four current GOP Senate candidates are Reps. David Jolly, Ron DeSantis, Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, and Todd Wilcox.