The ever-vocal Democratic congresswoman from Jacksonville, Florida, Corrine Brown, is filing another lawsuit to challenge the recent Florida Supreme Court ruling mandating her congressional district to be redrawn.
As you can expect, Brown is fuming mad, and is saying that the redraw would group her district, which is situated in northeast Florida, with the rest of North Florida. Brown contends that her district has nothing in common with North Florida.“You shall and can put communities of interests together. Jacksonville and Duval are urban areas. We don’t have anything in common with (rural) North Florida… “In this history of Florida, Duval County has never been with North Florida.”-FCN
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
I know I didn’t flunk out of my high school geography class, but in looking at map of the state of Florida, Brown’s current Jacksonville-centric district is directly parallel with Tallahassee, one of those “North Florida” cities.
How is Jacksonville not part of North Florida?
Guess what else Brown is saying about all of this redistricting stuff?Wait for it….Wait for it…
“You have drawn a district that not only an African-American can’t win, but a white Democrat can’t win.”-Rep. Corrine Brown
There you have it. The race card has been playeth, again.
Playing that race card is not anything new to Brown. Back in 2013, Brown stated that the city of Jacksonville was “its regular racist self.”
Brown made the remark during that city’s dust up over moving several early voting locations situated in predominantly African-American communities.So, to be clear, and according to Brown, the largest city within her congressional district is racist, yet she feels that racist Jacksonville has nothing in common with the rest of North Florida.
The reason why Brown is all bent out of shape over the redrawing of her congressional district is because it makes it harder for her to win reelection. Former Democratic State Senator Al Lawson is strongly considering giving Brown and primary challenge, and also jabbed at Brown by schooling her in geography.
“She might not understand geography that much,” Lawson said. “But this is North Florida. Jacksonville is North Florida. So is Tallahassee.”-Politico
Didn’t I just say that?
Rep. Gwen Graham (D), whose district will favor Republicans, is rumored to be mulling over the option of also challenging Brown, or possibly running for the U.S. Senate.Republican Glo Smith is taking another stab at defeating Brown in 2016. Smith lost to Brown in 2014 general election.
Stay tuned for another episode of “As Corrine Brown’s Racist Jacksonville World Turns.”