Don’t expect Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, who was the overall winner in the first 2016 GOP presidential debate on Fox News, to apologize for saying that “all lives matter,” not just “black lives.”
Fiorina made the remark on Fox News’, adding a statement that will surely be scrutinized by the black community and the Democratic Party as being racist.
“First of all, of course all lives matter,” Fiorina responded. “Secondly, black lives have been diminished under Democratic policies. That’s just true.”
She added:
“Remember as well, the example of South Carolina, a very different situation – where not only did a cop murder, he is now being charged with murder of a young black man – but we also had the terrible [church shooting] tragedy in Charleston and yet that community came together and expressed grievances in a peaceful way, even in a loving way and found a resolution,” she said.
Most politicians would not venture out and say what Fiorina said, but Fiorina is not your usual politician. Like Donald Trump, Fiorina speaks her mind, and isn’t afraid to tackle even the most political taboo of issues, and point out what those other seasoned politicians are too afraid to address.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“We also know, by the way, that the abortion industry targets African-American communities.”-Carly Fiorina (Blaze)
You know the Al Sharpton’s of the world are going to take issue with that statement as well.Fiorina is right. If you look at a national map of where all of the Planned Parenthood and similar abortion clinics are situated, the overwhelming majority of these locations are situated in impoverished, African-American-heavy areas of a city.
The Shark Tank interview Fiorina a couple of months ago about her soon-to-be announced presidential campaign. Click here to read more.