Javier Manjarres caught up with Congressman and Senate hopeful Ron DeSantis at the Red State event over the weekend to discuss executive amnesty, Planned Parenthood and the Iran Deal.
In regards to Obama’s executive amnesty, DeSantis said he thinks funding executive amnesty is “insane” and the elected officials have to duty of upholding the Constitution and “checking” Obama’s unconstitutional actions.His opponents Representative David Jolly (FL-R) voted to fund Obama’s executive amnesty whereas Florida’s Lieutenant Governor, Carlos Lopez-Cantera opposes it as well.
When it came to Planned Parenthood DeSantis felt Planned Parenthood could be defunded. He said a lot of the media are downplaying the video’s because it’s a sensitive matter but if more people were aware of what was going on the outrage would be wide spread.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
He also said the Planned Parenthood is:
a meat market for baby parts.
The Democratic primary for Senate in Florida includes Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson. Grayson just said the following on Twitter:
In regards to the Iran deal, DeSantis said he was the first one to go to the House floor to protest it because he knew it would just involve giving a lot of money to Iran. He also believes there is a chance to override Obama’s veto because there are not only a lot of Republicans against the deal, there are also a lot of high power Democrats against it as well.
He said the deal was doomed from the start because Iran is a part of the big problem in the Middle East.
DeSantis said:The deal elevates Iran really as the dominate power in the Middle East . . . that is going to make it difficult for us to fight ISIS.
He said the Cuba deal was even more ridiculous because we did not get anything. He feels John Kerry and the president think America is the problem and if we just change policies and make concessions to these rogue regimes they are going to change but they are just laughing all the way to the bank.