After Florida Governor Rick Scott asked Florida National Guard, Adjuntant General Michael Calhoun “to make sure all qualified soldiers have guns so they can defend themselves,” the Florida Department of Agriculture under the direction of Adam Putnam (pictured), announced that they would be expediting concealed carry permits for veterans and all active duty military personnel.
This move comes on the heals of the recent radical Islamic terror attack against an Armed Forces Recruiting Center and Naval installation in Chattanooga, TN., which left 5 military service personnel dead.It usually takes up to 90 days to received a concealed carry license after applying for one, but the Department of Agriculture is cutting that time for qualified military personnel to 30 days.
“The men and women who serve and have served our country deserve all of the support we can provide…We are pleased to expedite active military members and veterans’ applications for a concealed weapon license, and our partnership with tax collectors throughout the state will make this process even more convenient.”-AG Commissioner Adam Putnam
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A recent report states that “military and veterans must submit official military identification with their applications or a copy of service members’ current orders as proof of active duty status. Honorably discharged veterans should submit a copy of their DD 214 long form.”
Read more about Rick Scott and his push for arming military personnel here.A concealed weapons permit would allow a military member or veteran to carry such weapons outside of military installations in the state. The military has strict rules about who can carry weapons on bases and installations. Generally, only those with duties related to law enforcement, security and of guarding classified information or equipment are allowed to carry weapons. wing safety recommendations.-FT
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