On Sunday after speaking on the Senate floor U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Ted Cruz (TX-R) said:
We’ve just seen something extraordinary on the Senate floor. The American people elected a Republican majority believing that a Republican majority would be somehow different from a Democratic majority in the United States Senate. Unfortunately, the way the current Senate operates, there is on party, the Washington party.
Cruz also went on to say Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid act as a team.
Senate leadership consists of McConnell-Reid leadership team. They operate as a team. They support the same priorities. If you look at what has occurred int the United States Senate since the Republicans took a majority, we immediately returned after winning a historic majority to pass a trillion dollar ‘cromnibus’ bill filled with corporate welfare and pork. Then, the so-called Republican majority voted to fund Obamacare. Then, the s0-called Republican majority voted to fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty. Then, the so-called Republican majority voted to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Cruz said everything that was a priority for Reid is also a priority for current Republican leader, McConnell.
He also pointed out the McConnell-Reid team has no interest in defunding Planned Parenthood or putting pressure on Iran.
Cruz ended by saying:To the millions of Americans who rallied in November believing if only we got a Republican majority in the Senate something would be different, this was a clarifying and a sad moment.
Below is a video of Senator Ted Cruz’s Remarks on the Senate floor: