President Obama is threatening to veto a House bill that would hold accountable “sanctuary cities” like San Francisco and Houston, for not cooperating with “federal immigration authorities like ICE, when it comes to the detainment of illegal immigrants.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., would penalize jurisdictions that bar the collection of immigration information or don’t cooperate with federal “detainer” requests, by blocking them from receiving certain federal law enforcement grants and funding.It passed 241-179. The Senate is considering similar legislation.
Aside from Obama seeing this bill as a threat to his entire amnesty for illegal immigration position, his fellow Democrats are now trying to tie this piece of legislation to Donald Trump, who they believe, as do their pro-illegal immigration lobby, is anti-Latino.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
As you remember, Trump made some pretty controversial, yet completely accurate remarks about illegal immigration and Mexico.
You can read more about Trump’s comments here.
The legislation is the first passed since the July 1 killing of Kathryn Steinle on a California pier.Steinle, 32, was allegedly shot by Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been released from city sheriff’s department custody in April.
According to federal immigration officials, Sanchez had already been deported five times and had a lengthy felony criminal record. After serving most of his recent sentence, federal officials turned him over to San Francisco in March on an outstanding warrant – and the city released him weeks later without notifying the feds.
The city argued it had no grounds on which to hold him. (Source)