Shamed former Florida Governor Charlie Crist is looking for a political comeback in Florida. Question is: what party affiliation will he use? First he was a republican governor, then he changed to an independent and during his last race he was a democrat. He cannot make up his mind.
The recent court ruling in Florida that determined the state’s congressional districts need to be redrawn have left an opening for a Charlie Crist for US Congress run. Sources close to POLITICO have said he is seriously considering it as well.Kevin Cate, Crist aide and de facto spokesman told POLITICO:
It already made a lot of sense for Charlie Crist to return to public service by representing his hometown, so today’s news only brings that closer to reality.
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Crist has been out telling political supporters and donors he is considering a run and it is said the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has been urging him to run as well.
Eric Lynn (D) has already filed and former Tampa City Councilwoman Mary Mulhern (D) is planning on running as well.Current Representative Dave Jolly is expected to announce he is running for U.S. Senate next week because the Supreme Court ruling could add a lot of Democratic voters to his district. They ruled neighboring Congresswoman Kathy Castor (FL-D) could no longer stretch her district across Tampa Bay to include the parts of St. Petersburg that include a lot of Democratic-leaning voters.
Jolly’s spokeswoman Sarah Bascom said:
Congressman Jolly is seriously considering a U.S. Senate run, and is moving towards a decision and announcement early next week.