After mulling over his options, and keeping the national press sitting on the edge of their seats, hoping that he will make the much anticipated run, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has announced that he is running for the U.S. Senate in 2016.
POW! BAM! ZAP! KABOOM!What more can I say about this than what I have already said.
My job, the jobs of all other reporters in Florida, has just gotten that much more interesting with Grayson’s candidacy in the 2016 Democratic senatorial primary race.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Grayson is one of the most divisive and polarizing liberal Democrats in the country. But with that said, he is also one of the most popular and well-versed members of the House that is beloved by the Democratic Party’s progressive base of support.
With having what seems an unlimited amount of campaign dollars to play with, Grayson could do some serious damage to Rep. Patrick Murphy (D) in the upcoming Senate primary race.
On the other hand, Grayson also just became the political pinata that Republicans have been hoping for. Expect every single one of Grayson’s off-colored and controversial remarks to play a roll in Republican fundraising efforts. You can bank on this.Normally when it comes to hotly contested primary races, Republicans are the ones that usually get all the media attention when it comes to conservative vs. Republican establishment intra-party scuffles.
Now it seems as if the Democrats will have their very own Democratic Party Armageddon between moderate-Democrats and Progressives in Florida.
Let the games begin. Some one start making more popcorn.