The field of 2016 Republican presidential candidates is a little over a week from having to declare to the Federal Elections Commission the total sum of how much money in donations their respective campaigns have raised.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his super PAC are expected to bring in $100 zillion dollars, making him everyone’s frontrunner in the race, with other candidates like Marco Rubio and Rand Paul expected to post well over $10 million each.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign has announced that they have raised $14 million from more than 120,000 small dollar donors from across the country.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Republican Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and political novice, will report having raised $8.3 million for his presidential candidacy, his campaign said on Wednesday. On the Democratic side, front runner Hillary Rodham Clinton will report having raised $45 million.
Cruz was the first major Republican to wade into the GOP primary, which will soon have 16 formally declared candidates. After his March 23 announcement at Liberty University in Virginia, his campaign raised just over $4 million in the final week of that month. Since then, he’s collected another $10 million, his campaign said. Cruz also transferred $250,000 from his Senate campaign to his presidential campaign, according to documents filed with the FEC.
“The grassroots energy and support we are seeing is overwhelming,” Cruz said in a statement.–FNL
Let’s not forget that super PAC’s in support of Cruz have raised over $37 million to aide his presidential campaign.
All of the tens of millions of dollars being raised by Republicans means only one thing.
Defeat Hillary Clinton at all costs.
More on Ted Cruz here…