Since the beginning of his campaign in March, Ted Cruz (TX-R) has raised $51 million from mostly small donors.
Cruz has been relying on grassroots efforts to raise money and some were skeptical he would be able to get enough money to win the Republican nomination. With $51 million, Cruz is now on track to raise more than Marco Rubio, Scott Walker and Ben Carson.The $51 million will be verified when he files his report with the Federal Election Commission. Right now we are going off of what his campaign is saying.
Cruz’s campaign released the following statement:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The aggregate total of over $51 million mean that, along with Cruz’s strong support from the conservative grassroots across the country, Cruz’s campaign will have the resources, the manpower, and the energy to compete vigorously in all early state contests, as well as nationally in the Super Tuesday states on March 1st.
The campaign also said 175,000 people donated to the campaign and they gave an average of $81.
Jeb Bush is expected to raise more than $100 million partially because he announced so late giving him the time to pull in larger amounts of money before he had to comply with fundraising laws.Ben Carson’s campaign has said he raised $8.3 million in the second quarter.
With $51 million Cruz’s campaign will be very competitive and those who ruled out his campaign will be forced to take notice.