The recent warning from Rep. Mike McCaul, Chairman of the House committee on Homeland Security, that 1000’s of radical Islamists living in the U.S. could be activated to strike over the July 4th weekend, has put law enforcement agencies on high alert, prompting the FBI to set up “command centers” to monitor any and all potential terrorist threats that may present themselves.
“Authorities are particularly concerned about soft targets like shopping malls and other areas where there are large gatherings of people and rather light security,” said a Fox News source.But while the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are setting up shop around the country, does a real threat of terrorism exist?
According to the same Fox news report, the FBI has “shifted” its “strategy,” and is said to be looking at ” getting ISIS supporters off the streets as soon as possible, given that it’s hard to predict when one might go operational.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
It’s sad to say but, because radical Islamists have been emboldened by a weak an ineffective U.S. foreign policy, they  are winning.