Last week was definitely a whirl wind of different events. Each of which were very important to US history. Some say it was for the better and some say it was for the worse.
Below is a guide to how 2016 GOP candidates feel about gay marriage.Jeb Bush: He wants people to just move forward and accept it.
I think we ought to focus just as I said on trying to forge a consensus so we can move forward. The courts have decided traditional marriage still is a hugely important element of a just, lowing society and we should respect people that have long-term loving relationships and allow people to act on their conscience. – Jeb Bush
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Ted Cruz: He didn’t think it was the Supreme Courts position to rule on same sex marriage. It should have been left up to the states.
Mike Huckabee: Against it. He called the rulings last week:Yesterday, the court doubled down with a 5-4 opinion that undermines not just the definition of marriage, but the very foundations of our representative system of government. For those who say the marriage decision yesterday is the law of the land, it is fundamentally illegitimate, it is wrong, it is not law, and it is not the Constitution. – Ted Cruz
Two of the most blatant, disturbing, disgusting examples of judicial activism in the history of these United States. – Mike Huckabee
Rick Perry: Thinks the decision should have been made at the state level.
One size will not fit all. That’s not how this country was set up. This week the Supreme Court made decisions that, I’ll be real honest with you, I didn’t agree with at all. I have said from the get-go that these decisions, particularly that decision about traditional marriage, needed to be made in the state. – Rick Perry
Ben Carson: Says move forward, it is now the law.
While I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, their ruling is now the law of the land.I support same sex civil unions but to me, and millions like me, marriage is a religious service not a government form. – Ben Carson
Rand Paul: no comment yet about the ruling.
Chris Christie: Doesn’t agree with the ruling but says we have to move on.
Our job is going to be to support the law of the land.
I don’t agree with the way it was done. – Chris Christie
Marco Rubio: Doesn’t agree with the ruling but says we have to move on.
While I disagree with this decision, we live in a republic and must abide by the law. As we look ahead, it must be a priority of the next president to nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written and originally understood. – Marco Rubio