Our managing editor, Javier Manjarres was on NewsMaxTV’s NewsMax Now with former Florida Senator, Dave Aronberg discussing the reaction of the confederate flag and Hillary Clinton’s mad dash for cash.
Aronberg felt it was appropriate to take down the confederate flag and said “it is about time.”He said:
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When asked if he wanted stricter gun control, Aronberg said their should be more gun control laws and ammunition taxes. He also said he has always been a supporter of an assault weapon ban.
Javier Manjarres commented he felt it was up to the state’s to decide what flags they want to remove but “where does it end?”
If the South Carolinian’s want to take down the flag it is up to them but where does this end? Is the state flag of Mississippi or Georgia next?
He pointed out the American flag has also been seen as controversial and wondered if it was going to be removed as well.
It was then mentioned Jeb Bush took down the confederate flag in Florida and moved it to a museum.
Next, they discussed how Hillary Clinton is setting up of fundraisers in an effort to rake in a lot of cash. She has a few big concert fundraisers coming up with Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi.Aronberg said he was planning on endorsing Hillary Clinton in the near future and made a plea to Hillary asking her to invite him to the Jon Bon Jovi concert. Manjarres looked at the camera and jokingly said he wanted to go as well.
Self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders is also running against Hillary Clinton and is said to be catching up with her in the polls. Aronberg said Sanders would never get the nomination and essentially he felt Clinton had it in the bag.
You can watch the whole debate here: NewsMaxTV