Government overreach? Definitely.
Jacksonville council members want to make it against the law to back your car into your driveway. Why? Because they say cops can not see your license plate if you do and are unable to determine if your car is abandoned.Councilman Warren Jones (D-District 9) introduced the bill (2015-377) because he said there is a big problem with abandoned cars in Jacksonville. It is also being Co-sponsored by Clay E. Yarborough (R-District 1).
Jones said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We have been trying to find a way to address this problem because it’s blight on the community and it’s driving down property values and it’s very unsightly. But our hands are tied as enforcement goes because we cannot enforce it unless we can see the tag.
The bill states if inspectors can’t see your vehicle’s tag from the road you will be cited. That means vehicles will not be allowed to be covered in the driveway either.
If you are caught backing your car into the driveway or covering the license plate the fine will be $50.Jones added if you need to back in your car, you will have to display your license plate number by the right of way so the police and inspectors can see it.
The bill would also prohibit outdoor storage of any personal property, construction material, furniture, equipment and motor vehicle parts.
If you want to read a full copy of the bill you can find it here: City-of-Jacksonville-Ordinance-2015-377.
I urge everyone who lives in Jacksonville and does not want this bill to pass to call their local council member and tell them. You can find their information here.