In England where guns have been banned for awhile, police officers, doctors and elected officials are now urging residents to turn in their kitchen knives and they have been! This is a warning to people in the United States what happens when guns are banned. It doesn’t stop there.
The Save a Life Surrender Your Knife UK campaign is in full force. You can check out their mission on their website.Their website said:
During the last 18 months — Since the beginning of the campaign we have been very fortunate to have the backing of numerous police constabularies. This assistance like that of organizations, families and our general community support has been priceless during the campaign as they have aided us in positioning our amnesty bins across the UK, whilst consistently aiding us on social media platforms all with the sole purpose of getting that message out to SURRENDER YOUR KNIVES!
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Manufacturers are being urged to make knives that do not have sharp ends and will not cut people. My question is: how are they going to cut anything after that?
They have also made razor blades more “safe” by eliminating their ability to cut people.
Chefs in the UK are turning in all of their big knives and the bins to collect knives are scattered all across the UK to help stop knife crimes.Doctors in England are pushing for the knife ban as well. Dr. Mike Beckett said:
If long pointed knives had become less available, we would have seen fewer death from knife injuries.
He also said:
Is he serious? To many Americans his comments and the proposed knife ban is humorous but if we let liberals run the United States and get their way, this will be our reality as well.Kitchen knives could be redesigned so that they retain their cooking function, but are not lethal. But as it stands, you can go into a supermarket and buy for (10 euros) something that’s a murder weapon – no questions asked.