On Thursday floor debates started on the state’s $78.9 billion budget. Part of the budget includes schools seeing record funding but that will mean property owners will have to pay for the bill.
A final vote on the budget is expected to take place on Friday.Part of the reason the per pupil spending rate is being increased is because next year there will be 30,000 new students in Florida schools per News4Jax.
Representative Erik Fresen (R-114th District) said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The FEFP budget increases funds for students by 3 percent, which is a $206.52Â per student increase.
That increase is going to be paid by property owners. $2 of every $3 will come from local property taxes. Schools will see an increase of nearly $800 million.
After the budget passes all of the focus will be on Governor Rick Scott. He didn’t get the level of tax cuts and education funding that he wanted and has threatened vetoes in the past.When the final vote occurs, the Governor will have until the end of June to either sign or reject the spending items.