With Senate Democrats losing their majority in 2014, we all knew that in the minority, Democrats would try to “filibuster” just about any bill that the new Republican Senate majority would serve up for a vote.
It looks as if the first targeted bill for Democrats is the FY 2016 Defense bill that passed in U.S. House of Representatives.Florida Rep. Tom Rooney (R), who sits on the House Appropriations Committee and Chairman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, and who just so happens to be a U.S. Army veteran, called out Democrat Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, and Florida Senator Bill Nelson (D) for signaling that they could support a filibuster of the bill, when it makes it over from the House.
Rooney’s congressional office release this statement about the possible Democrat Party move to withhold pay from U.S. Military personnel.
Rooney reminded Reid and others that national security should trump any political maneuver.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Senator Nelson and his Democratic colleagues have a choice: they can follow Harry Reid and keep his promise to filibuster this bipartisan bill, or they can pay our troops and fund our national security. It’s that simple,” Rooney said. “Are they really willing to withhold our troops’ paychecks and put our national security at risk until they get more money for the EPA and IRS?
“If Senator Nelson and Harry Reid want to have a debate about more spending for wasteful bureaucracies, let’s have that debate – but let’s leave our troops, their families, and our veterans out of it.”
“A growing Islamic State, a nuclear ambitious Iran, an aggressive Russia, the continued threat of global terrorism – the dangers our nation faces have only grown, and we must stand ready to defeat them. This appropriations bill ensures our troops and commanders have the tools and resources they need to keep us safe. We’ve provided funding for military operations and national security needs, a well-deserved pay raise and improved health and quality-of-life programs for our troops and their families, and critical investments in research and development. This bill deserves a vote in the Senate.”