The radical Islamic terror group ISIS continues its jihad against Christians, as it has being reported that the Islamist group has kidnapped as many as 88 Eritrean Christians war-torn Libya.
The kidnapped Christians were being smuggled out of that country when they militants “ambushed” their convoy.Meron Estafanos, the co-founder of the Stockholm-based International Commission on Eritrean Refugees, told the paper that the group of migrants included “about 12 Eritrean Muslims and some Egyptians. They put them in another truck and they put 12 Eritrean women Christians in a smaller pick-up”.
Estafanos said that the militants had initially stopped the truck and demanded that the Muslims on board make themselves known. Everyone who responded was asked about the Koran and their religious observance in an attempt to catch Christians pretending to be Muslims.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The main body of the group was put back on the original truck. As the militants drove the vehicle away, Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported that at least nine men attempted to escape by diving off the back of the truck. Estefanos said three of those who had escaped were safe, but still trying to get out of Libya. The fate of the others was not known.-Fox
The fate of these 88 Eritrean Christians is all but sealed, as it is almost certain that these Christians will be executed.
Don’t expect President Obama to do much to help facilitate the release of Christians, as he has just stated, “we don’t have a complete strategy” to combat ISIS.