The red light cameras in Florida are a scam as we have reported before. Studies have shown they actually cause more accidents then they prevent because people slam on their brakes when they see them versus going through a yellow light. They are simply tax collectors for the municipalities they are installed in. Many other states have ditched the program all together.
Rubio’s latest comment came after The New York Times published a story about his and his wife Jeanette’s driving record. Rubio has been cited four times and his wife has received 13 tickets. After she hit into someone earlier this year when she dropped her husband off for an event is anyone surprised?Marco’s tickets include: careless driving, running a stop sign, running a red light and speeding. One of those incidents was caught by a red light camera and not a police officer.
Rubio said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Let me just say, I really don’t like red light cameras. That’s a big scam. But that’s another topic for another day.
Legislators in Florida should get rid of red light cameras and stop scamming drivers. On the other hand, no one really cares about Rubio’s tickets because almost everyone has received one. I guess that is the worst they could find on him or they were trying to distract everyone from Hillary’s abundance of real scandals.