The Washington Post reported on Friday that several senior officials left Ben Carson’s presidential campaign. They said the move:
gutted the core or Carson’s apparatus and left the 63-year-old first-time candidate with only a handful of experienced advisers at his side as he navigates the fluid, crowded and high-stakes contest for the Republican nomination.
Carson is saying that is a blatant lie. He told CNN:
There were four members of our staff who planned to transition off when we went from an exploratory committee to a campaign. And they were going to move to another area, and they had to be separated from the campaign for a certain period of time before they could do that. That was completely planned, and in terms of turmoil, things could not be better.
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Carson’s former campaign chairman, Terry Giles told CNN he thought the article by the Washington Post was “complete crap” and “disgusting.” He reiterated what Carson said that it was the plan all along for him and his associates to leave the campaign and start a new super PAC. He also noted in the May 4th announcement speech Carson said Giles would be moving on to take on new responsibilities.