Yes you read that right. A Florida man was caught on camera dancing on top of a Florida cop’s SUV to scare off vampires.
You must be saying to yourself “is he crazy?” Well, he was not previously diagnosed with any mental disorders and he was apparently not on drugs but Christian Radecki performed a dance routine on top of the cruiser to songs such as Hall and Oates “Rich Girl” and Supertramp’s “Goodbye Stranger” according to Breibert.Radecki was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace and criminal mischief. He told a deputy that a “woman with fangs” came to his doorstep and told him a human sacrifice by vampires was imminent.
The Cape Coral police report said: “therefore, Radecki made the conscious decision to get the Sheriff of Nottingham to help him stop the slaughter of small children.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Here is the video of him breaking it down on the cruiser which includes a grand finale of ripping off a wiper blade and tossing it. I guess he was trying to fight the vampires: