Early Thursday morning Jeb teased on Twitter “Coming Soon: Jeb Announcement.” He also hinted the date would be June 15, 2015 by saying “coming 6.15.15.” Followers are prompted to sign up to “be the first to know.”
Courtesy of Twitter
In el Busho style, he also teased people in Spanish and included a link to a sign up page in Spanish. This makes me wonder if he is going to have a campaign page in both Spanish and English. I think he will.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Courtesy of Twitter
It is said Bush’s announcement will be at Miami Dade College’s Kendall campus at 3 pm.
His non campaign has brought a lot of attention recently because even though we all knew he was running he did not announce. The reason he waited so long to jump into the race is because prior to announcing he did not have a cap on the amount of money he could raise. After a candidate announces they are running for president they have to follow strict donation guidelines.
Bush is flirting with the law by racking in millions of dollars and traveling across the states “campaigning” without announcing. Several watch dog groups have filed complaints about his fundraising style.