Former Florida Governor and potential presidential candidate, Jeb Bush, appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” this past Sunday, where he stated that the U.S. military should commit personnel to train Iraqi forces and to help them “paint” enemy targets.
Bush, like many other presidents before him, including President Obama, wants military “advisors” to be sent to Iraq to help with the efforts to push back ISIS, the radical Islamic group that has taken over large swaths of northern Iraq.In the summer of 2014, Obama sent 300 special operations advisors to Iraq, and later that year, stated that he would be sending additional 1,500 troops to help in the Iraqi government counter the ISIS threat.
“We need to embed American troops, as we’ve done successfully in the past, to help train them, to identify targets, to do what we do really well.”-Jeb Bush
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Sounding very much like those hawkish pro-military politicos and pundits, including his friend and presidential candidate, Senator Marco Rubio, Bush also believes that the U.S. military strategy in Iraq has all but failed.
With ISIS’ rise to power in the Middle East, and their takeover of land that the U.S. military once held secure, could the “blame Bush” narrative soon change to “blame Obama?”“We don’t have a strategy right now…we have a series of tactics, reacting to whatever’s going on the ground. That doesn’t mean we have to have combat troops in harm’s way. But I think … in concert with other countries, and certainly in an effort to try to restrict Iranian influence in Iraq, that we can play a constructive role.”
Think about it. Bush was blamed for the war in Iraq. Obama hastily pulled U.S. troops out of Iraq, ending the war, and now the radical Islamists experts said could fill the vacuum a departing U.S. military would create, have done just that.
Obama created this mess, he needs to clean it up.