As we previously reported, on Saturday ultra liberal Representative Alan Grayson (FL-D) tweeted a picture about police violence that include the words “F$ck the Police” in it. You couldn’t miss it so obviously he left it in there on purpose.
Now the police are firing back. Florida’s Fraternal Order of Police President Jim Preston accused Grayson of not helping the current situation between the police and the public.
Preston told the Palm Beach Post:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Mr. Grayson’s irresponsible comments and photo completely disrespect the difficult and dangerous job of today’s police officers. Since January 1, 2015, 51 officers have died in the line of duty, 13 in the month of May already. His statements further the disconnect between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Instead of cursing the police, he should thank God that brave men and women are willing to stand between the good and the evil that exists today.
Grayson’s office had said the picture was not intended to offend anyone and that Grayson respects the job the police do. That was obviously a lie. If he did respect the police and the job they do he would of never posted such a vulgar twitter picture. He does not have any class. In a society where young people look up to elected officials for guidance, he is just fueling the hoodlums and disrespectful youth that go out and shoot officers and loot buildings. Shame on you Alan Grayson.