She is trying hard to take attention away from her email scandal. Part of Hillary’s tactic is to arrogantly not talk to reporters at her events but the GOP is not letting her get away with it.
On Tuesday the House Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenaed her former adviser, Sidney Blumenthal.According to Reuters, the subpoena demands that Blumenthal appear before the committee on June 3 to give a deposition.
When Jamal Ware, a spokesman for Trey Gowdy (SC-R), the Benghazi committee chairman, was asked about the subpoena he said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I can confirm Mr. Blumenthal has been called for a deposition by the committee.
Over two years ago there was a set of emails sent to Hillary Clinton from Blumenthal that were brought to light by an Internet hacker.
Even though Blumenthal did not work for Clinton when she was the Secretary of State he sent those emails as a private individual.The emails contained detailed private intelligence reports on events in Libya that were sent to Blumenthal by a former CIA officer. Some of those emails were sent around the time of the Benghazi attacks and discussed information his sources gave him about the attack.
On Tuesday, The New York Times exposed Hillary by publishing numerous emails that showed she had passed on private intelligence reports to aides and other State Department personnel.
Blumenthal was a former journalist who served in the Clinton White House as one of the loyal defenders of Hillary and Bill Clinton. That is exactly what the Clinton’s like, someone who does not have care about their baggage and will defend them to the better end.
Even though the Republicans are simply looking to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi, Elijah Cummings (MD-D) the top Democrat on the House Benghazi panel accused them of grandstanding. He said:
There was no need for the Select Committee to send two U.S. Marshals to the home of Sidney Blumenthal to serve his wife with a subpoena, especially since the Committee never bothered to contact him first to ask him whether he would voluntarily come in.
My response is: there was no need for Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty to die in Benghazi and all those responsible should be held accountable. Sending U.S. Marshals to serve a subpoena is minor in comparison to the suffering those four men endured that night.