One would think since the Republicans were the majority in both the Florida House and Senate a state shut down would be a non issue but that is not the case.
Governor Scott is worried it could become a reality as the July 1st deadline approaches and negotiations are not where he would like them to be. That is why on Thursday he told agency heads to prepare for the worst and asked them to list only the state’s most critical needs per the Associated Press.Scott sent the letter to agency heads even though lawmakers said they were making progress on the budget deadlock.
He wrote:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Prepare a list of critical state services our citizens cannot lose in the event Florida is forced to shut down on July 1st.
By writing the letter Gov. Scott is also showing he is not going to change his mind on Medicaid. Medicaid expansion is the reason the House and Senate are in a gridlock as well.
The Senate wants to expand Medicaid whereas the House refuses to and that is what prompted the House to leave the regular session three days early. That move was later found to be unconstitutional.Scott also told agency heads that he is preparing a budget that would exclude controversial issues such as Medicaid expansion. He also said the Senate may not agree to a budget that does not include some sort of Medicaid expansion so to prepare for a shutdown.