As reported by POLITICO, since Congressman Alan Grayson (FL-D) is strongly considering running for Marco Rubio’s (FL-R) Senate seat his girlfriend is trying to quietly take over his seat in Congress.
Grayson’s girlfriend is Dena Minning. She is a self-described “biotechnology entrepreneur” who states she has an MD and a Ph.D. in biochemistry. POLITICO learned she has reached out to at least one Democratic group and expressed her interest in running for Congress.Two other sources close to Grayson and a third Democratic source confirmed Minning has expressed her interest in running for Grayson’s Ninth District Congressional seat.
On Twitter Minning has been talking up Grayson’s potential Senate bid and criticizing Murphy. She said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Grayson and Murphy are tied. That will change once voters know Murphy’s stance on [Social Security]/Medicare”
Minning’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are both very focused on politics. She frequently is known to retweet or cheer on Grayson. Rarely does she post any pictures of her and Grayson together but in a Jan. 20 Twitter picture of her and Pelosi you can see Grayson in the reflection of a mirror.
courtesy of Twitter
Grayson has also come out and bashed insiders for trying to choose the parties nominee which is ironic since his girlfriend is interested in running for his seat. Her potential candidacy could also cause some trouble in his office because his district director and longtime campaign adviser, Susannah Randolph is also considering running.
Randolph said:I wouldn’t say I’m interested. Yeah, I’d consider it for sure. But that’s only if Alan runs for Senate, and I’m not sure if that’s going to happen or not. It all depends on what Alan does, and there’s no set course.
Grayson has made it very clear in the past he does plan on running for Rubio’s seat. He has even bragged about it.
When Randolph was asked about reports of Minning’s interest in Grayson’s seat, all should could say in surprise is “I’m speechless.”