This week is going to be very busy with new candidates throwing their hat into the 2016 ring. Late Sunday night, Dr. Ben Carson announced he is running for President and former Hewlett Packard CEO, Carly Fiorina formally announced she is running Monday morning.
Fiorina told ABC’s Good Morning America that she believes American’s want a President from outside the “political class.” She has never held elected office even though she did unsuccessfully run against Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in 201o.Fiorina said:
I am running for president. I think I am the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
She added:
Many political operatives feel Fiorina is a long shot candidate because she barely registers in the polls but she is also the only expected female candidate to enter a crowded Republican presidential primary.Our nation was intended to be a citizen government . . . [Americans] believe we need to return to a citizen government and so I think it’s totally reasonable to look outside the political class.
Fiorina became the first female CEO of a Fortune 20 company when she ran Hewlett Packard in 1999. She was eventually fired in 2005 after a rocky tenure when she merged with Compaq.
Her supporters point out her successes. They say she doubled the size of the company, boosted its innovation and put plans in place for its long-term success. Her opponents say she is responsible for tumbling stock prices while she was CEO.
Below is Fiorina’s announcement video: