Is Florida state representative Matt Gaetz a racist? Does that sound like a Democratic or liberal question? Well it is actually more or less a statement. Many Florida Democrats accused Matt Gaetz of being a racist on Thursday night for a comment he made on Twitter.
Rep. Matt Gaetz made a comment on Twitter about the lawsuit filed by the Senate Democrats challenging the House’s decision to adjourn the regular legislative session early on Thursday night.The comment he made was as follows “the lawsuit reads like it was researched and drafted by Sen Joyner . . . and spell checked by Sen Bullard”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Gaetz was then attacked and told he was a racist because the two Senators in question are both African American. The Democrats in Florida must be taking lessons from the liberal Democrats in Washington because no where in the tweet did it suggest anything racist. Was it inappropriate to make fun of other elected officials on Twitter? Yes, I will give the naysayers that much.
This is the backlash he got after the tweet:
Sen. Jack Latvala (R) said it was “disgraceful”Sen. Braynon (D) said he hoped his response looks better on Friday.
Sen. Bullard (D) responded and informed Rep. Gaetz who actually drafted the lawsuit:

Rep. Gaetz fired back by saying “I’m sure liberal members of the Senate would rather talk about a tweet than about forcing Obamacare on Florida.
Speaker of the House Steve Crisafulli (R) stood up for Gaetz by saying:
I don’t condone the Tweet by @MattGaetz. He is an agitator, yes, but not a racist. Please accept my apology to those offended.

Gaetz apologized on Friday about his remarks by saying:
My criticisms of ObamaCare Expansion and it’s supporters are based solely on the facts. Deeply sorry if anyone read more into it than that.
The whole thing is petty quite frankly. I do not expect elected officials to get along because they have such different views. I think bickering is healthy and it is what was intended or we would just have one party that rubber stamped everything but calling someone racist and attacking someone’s grammar is grade school drama. We should expect more out of our elected officials.