Before the Florida House adjourned three days early on Tuesday they were able to get some work done. They passed the online voter registration bill even though it did not have the support of Gov. Scott’s top elections official.
Whether Scott is going to sign the bill into law is unknown but if he opts to not sign it lawmakers could override it.If enacted, online voter registration could be coming to the state in 2017. It almost did not happen though. A funding issue held up the bill in the House and according to Rep. Dwight Dudley (D- Pinellas County) a cyber security was an attempt to kill it.
Dudley said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The measures in this bill, this is not a beneficial thing for voters in the state of Florida.
Rep. Jamie Grant (R-Tampa) said:
We ought to be talking about how to publish the data, open-source it and get this right. So the extent that someone would say that an amendment to try and kill this bill to make it better is an attempt t kill it is just a patent lie.
Since the House is done for the rest of the session, the Senate would need to pass the bill as is or it will die before it gets to governor Scott.