Just the other day, liberals and treehuggers from all walks of life celebrated “Earth Day,” including Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D).
Wasserman Schultz took the occasion to jab at fellow Floridians Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, who are both considered to be the top choices of Republicans in the 2016 GOP presidential primary race.Here is what ‘DWS’ stated on Twitter:
Read my piece on @Medium: It’s #EarthDay, but two Florida men (Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio) aren’t celebrating. http://t.co/2T5aYoraMo
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Here is a snippet of her op-ed on Medium:
Let’s begin with former Florida governor, Jeb Bush. Last week he acknowledged that the climate is changing. But last year when asked if he believed that global warming was primarily man-made, Bush claimed, “I’m a skeptic. I’m not a scientist.” That’s like looking at the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and saying, “well, I’m not an oceanographer.”
The Sunshine State’s junior Senator, Marco Rubio, has boldly stated, “I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it.” Is that what someone would say about the advice of other experts like medical doctors or structural engineers?
Governor Bush and Senator Rubio are just two of the performers in the increasingly circus-like atmosphere of the GOP presidential primary contest who are denying science and burying their heads in the sand. Chris Christie said he wants, “more science” because he’s “a little skeptical about it.” Ted Cruz believes the planet isn’t warming at all. And Scott Walker has barely lifted a finger in Wisconsin. When 97% of climate scientists agree on the causes of climate change, what more do these people want?
Is ‘DWS’ referring to Bush and Rubio as circus clowns?
Yeah, the case can also be made that the global warming is not occurring. How so?Well, all you would have to do is what Wasserman Schultz and the climate change lobby may have done-gone out and found some like-minded, and probably paid scientists to agree with their position on global warming.