When it comes to same-sex marriage, Senator Marco Rubio believes that marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman, When it comes to homosexuality, Rubio rightfully distances himself from the right fringe of the ultra-conservative religious right.
Last Sunday, Rubio was in New Hampshire campaigning for president, and took time to go on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” where he told host Bob Schieffer that he believed that people were born gay, and not choose to be gay, as many in the religious right contend.“I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with”-Sen. Marco Rubio
Rubio is right. Homosexuals are born this way. While some people who have had sexual interactions with the same sex will say that it was simply experimentation, the overwhelming majority of those people who state they are gay were born this way.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
People don’t just roll over and bump their heads, and become gay, as it is depicted in this classic skit from the television show “In Living Color.”
Go to minute 4:02. Hilarious!
Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting many gay individuals, several of which I call close trustworthy friends.
Let me just tell you this gay men seem to always stop and stare at me whenever I enter the gym, or go out anywhere else in public. Do you blame these guys, and all those heterosexual woman for noticing me? Look at me, I look like Ricky Ricardo. Ha!
When I was growing up in south Florida, a sort of Mecca for the gay community, I always questioned how and why a man could be sexually attracted to another man.
Over the years, I took it upon myself to ask every single gay person I made an acquaintance with, when and how they first knew they were gay.
Every single one of them told me that they knew since early on in the teens or just when they hit puberty.One friend summed it all up perfectly when he asked me a simple question. He asked me if I remembered the first time I ever felt “interest” in someone else.
Of course I remember, I was 11-years -old and in a swimming pool with two 12-year- old girls after I graduated from the sixth grade.
Calm down everyone, nothing happened, except for me being overcome by this feeling of attraction towards women.
This friend looked at me at said,” that is the same feeling I have when I first felt an attraction to someone else,” only difference was that he felt the same way towards a boy.
This story is very common, if you take it upon yourself to ask a gay person that very same question.I have had friends who have tried to hide their homosexuality from their friends and family, because of the negative stigma attached to being gay.
Many of my close gay friends have told me that they wish they were never born gay because of all the grief that they have endured with their families, especially form those raised in hardcore Catholics and Christians households that believe homosexuality is a sin.
To each his own.
What you do behind closed doors is your business.
And let me just add this. Over my political career, I have met many gay men who vote Republican, and are against gay marriage. Actually, I know several Democrat gay couples that also oppose gay marriage.