Is Jeb Bush trying to lose the 2016 Republican Primary race before he even enters the race?
This seems to be the case, as the former Governor of Florida, who once governed with an iron conservative fist, recently when across the Republican political grain when he told a group of people in Concord, New Hampshire, saying that the federal government and the Florida legislature needed sit down and find “compromise” on expanding Medicaid under Obamacare.“The feds and the executive branch and representatives from the House and Senate ought to get together and try to forge a compromise.” –Jeb Bush
Bush contends that “expanding Medicaid without reforming it is not going to solve our problems over the long run.” Bush’s spokeswoman told the Miami Herald that he opposes Medicaid expansion.
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“We need to reform Medicaid, and there’s a plan to do that in Florida that’s a pretty good one, so if it was part of that, and there are trade-offs and all that stuff — that’s how you get past an impasse,” he later told reporters.
Bush’s friend and presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio, along with other announced presidential candidates, Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, all opposed expanding Medicaid, and have not expressed support for any kind of compromise.
The three Senators are firmly behind the “Full Repeal” of Obamacare.